Friday, February 17, 2012

How to Receive Healing Pt. 3

Have faith in the Name of Jesus.

Acts 3:6, 16; John 14:12-14; I John 3:23
Jesus’ Name carries all the authority of Jesus Himself. When Peter spoke in Jesus’ Name, it was as if Jesus were speaking. He didn’t pray for the man at the gate called Beautiful. He spoke words of faith—in Jesus’ Name. In the same way and with the same authority, you can speak to your affliction.

Partake of the Lord’s Supper.

Exodus 12:3-11; I Corinthians 11:23-30
This is a fundamental way to receive healing that has been overlooked by the Church in recent history. When you receive the body and the blood of our Lord Jesus, you should be keenly aware that you are standing on the Blood Covenant of the New Testament, and acting according to the Word of God.
As we remember the body and the blood, we should not only judge ourselves concerning sin, but we should judge ourselves concerning sickness as well. After all, Jesus paid a high price for both of them. By receiving Communion, we are partaking of everything Jesus’ sacrifice provided—salvation, peace, prosperity and healing.

Stand, knowing the New Testament is true.

I Peter 5:5-7; Romans 4:20-21
Accept the New Testament as absolute truth. Don’t be moved by how you feel. True humility as seen in the Bible means standing before God in obedience to His Word and casting ALL your care on Him. True Bible humility says, “I don’t look healed. I don’t feel healed,” but God’s Word says, ‘with His stripes we were healed,’ so I must be healed. I accept the Word rather than the circumstances.”

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