Monday, February 27, 2012

How to Believe with Your Heart pt 1

Pastor Creflo Dollar


Today believers need to know how to believe God like never before. I don’t know about you but I believe Jesus is coming back soon. So we do not have time to be wasting. There are things that have to be in place. I know one thing I don’t want  Jesus to come and I’m knot doing what he told  me to do. And because I didn’t do it now He has to get someone else. Because of my disobedient I have to go thro. tribulation.

See why it’s important to believe with your heart?

To believe with the heart (or spirit) means to believe apart from what the intellect and the five senses can comprehend.

Our intellect meaning our own mental ability or intelligents

Our five senses keeps us in contact with this world. In other words, our spirit man believes beyond what we can hear, see, feel, smell, and taste.

Our spirits are designed to believe the Word of God despite what circumstances indicate.

Therefore, the first step to believing with the spirit is to feed the spirit with the Word of God.

  1.  “It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God”. (Matthew 4:4)  

    1. In this scripture, Jesus was referring to the spirit of man, which is the core of who we are; our spirit lives by the Word of God.
      1. Physical food keeps the physical body alive; however, our spirit man (or inner man) cannot survive without the Word.
      2. Any area that you have a challenge in and you are not getting the victory, there is a Word insuffience.
      3. Why do I say that, the natural only can do what the spirit allows.

  1. The “heart” of man is the spirit of man. Therefore, we trust God with the heart (Proverbs 3:5-7)

    1. The physical body is designed to believe the senses. However, the spirit is designed to believe the Word of God.
      1. God and His Word are one. When we believe His Word, we believe Him.
      2. Therefore, believing with our spirit is believing beyond what the senses detect.
    2. We must decide to believe God (with our spirit) every day, even in the face of apparent defeat.

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