Wednesday, May 16, 2012



  • Few people make a deliberate choice between good and evil. The choice is between what we want to do and what we ought to do.
  • We have a free will
  • Wise people sometimes change their minds fools don’t
  • We chose to live by faith or fear.
  • We can operate by faith because of our will to choose.
  • Let’s see how the bible define faith
  • Proverb 3:5

I.       Angels can chose but not by faith.
A.    Humans have a free will to choice, angles have a free will to choice
B.     Humans are children of God and the angels are servants of God.
a.       Acts 26:23   
          1.  light- the power of understanding esp. moral and spiritual truth
b.      1Jo 4:9 In this was manifested the love of God toward us, because that God sent his only begotten Son into the world, that we might live through him.
1.      God’s whole plan was for us to live thru. Jesus
2.      Jhn 1:14  And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
c.       Can you just image for a minute how lucifier was able to talk a third of the angels to come against God.  Revelation 12:3, 4

The language is highly figurative, of course, and it's true that "numbers are not the issue," but many interpreters and informal Bible students alike take Satan to be the "fiery red dragon" of this passage, and his angels the "stars of heaven" that were thrown down to earth. IF SO, Satan appropriated a third of the angels to his service.
d.      Jesus is our expmple to follow and the devil is our example no to follow.
e.       Hbr 1:13-14  
f.       They are not permitted to disobey a command
1.      How do they receive their commands?
2.      by His words. 
a.  2Ti 3:16   read fro ami.

II.          Your faith has effect on more than you.
A.    Deu 30:19-20
B.     Matt. 22:23-
a.       The Sadducees were the liberal theologians of that day, denying the resurrection of the body, the existence of angels, and miracles. In fact, their denials were more numerous than their affirmations
b.      (Deut. 25:5). Under that law, if an Israelite died without leaving children, his brother was supposed to marry the widow to preserve the family name in Israel and keep the inheritance within the family.
c.       Then came the question designed to humiliate Him who is the resurrection (John 11:25): “Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had her.”
d.      22:25–28 Their riddle concerned a woman who lost her husband, then married one of his brothers. The second brother died, so she married the third—and so on, down to the seventh. Finally, the woman died. Then came the question designed to humiliate Him who is the resurrection (John 11:25): “Therefore, in the resurrection, whose wife of the seven will she be? For they all had her.”
e.       22:29 Basically, they argued that the idea of resurrection posed insuperable difficulties, hence it was not reasonable, therefore it was not true. Jesus answered that the difficulty was not in the doctrine but in their minds; they were ignorant of the Scriptures and the power of God.
f.       First of all, they were ignorant of the Scriptures. The Bible never says the husband-wife relationship will be continued in heaven. While men will be recognizable as men, and women as women, they will all be like angels in the sense that they neither marry nor are given in marriage.
g.      Secondly, they were ignorant of the power of God. If He could create men from dust, could He not as easily raise the dust of those who had died and refashion it into bodies of glory

C.     Your faith is to be use for more than you.
a.      Jos 2:12-14
b.      Hbr 11:31  By faith the harlot Rahab perished
c.       Jam 2:25  Likewise also was not Rahab the harlot justified by works

III.       One of the most powerful truths a believer have to understand is the devil can’t make them do anything.
Living by faith is a choice to put every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God first , not to tempt the Lord thy God, and to worship the Lord thy God only.
A.                Mat. 4
B.                 Rom 8:39  no thing can separate us from the love of God.

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